Don't beat yourself up too bad there Goodling! At the time you purchased the gasser, you though you were doing the right thing. No doubt you came armed with all the information you needed to make an intelligent choice.
Now that you know the limitations of your rig, I suppose it's OK to experience buyer's remorse, but now you know what the limitations are. Rather than focus on what you use to have, focus on the best way to utilize what you do have now! Going up a very steep grade? Well, you might not be able to it at 95 mph any more, maybe only 45, but look at it this way... the slower speed gives you the opportunity to sight see a bit more now! You might even be going slow enough now to actually see the roses, instead of just a red blur from the corner of your eye. Focus on what you do have, not what you don't. And may your travels truly be enjoyable!