What are you trying to accomplish? I don't think you would have a problem finding a cheap, isolated, small chunk of land located in a remote area of most any state that you could configure to accommodate a RV. But you would then own a small, cheap, isolated chunk of land in a remote area that can accommodate a RV. I guess that would appeal to someone who wants to sit in their RV and do nothing, day after day.
But if you add anything that would be attractive to most people to you wish list, your options will get much more expensive and be subjected to all the issues other posters have mentioned. That piece of ground adjacent to a river, a lake, the ocean or close to a significant town or other recreational or cultural center will certainly have multiple restrictions along with a ten fold increase in cost.
Choosing one state over another is more a matter of personal choice than one state being superior to another. You apparently want a very small, very cheap piece of land. The property taxes aren't going to be materially different, since who really cares if the taxes are $100 or $400 if you want the climate of one state over another. Same with all the other taxes. Unless you are a high income individual intending on making your RV site your tax residence, income taxes really vary about as much as the property tax example. The total tax burden on from state to state really doesn't change, what changes is where they actually collect it. Some states rely on income taxes, some rely on property taxes, some rely on sales tax and most rely on a combination of two or more. In the end the state always gets what they feel is theirs.
It really should come down to where you want to be, not where it is somehow economically more feasible. If I wanted a dry and warm climate, I sure wouldn't give up living in the desert southwest to buy a place in West Virginia because the ground was 10 percent less expensive and total taxation was $500 less. If you want to be close to your children in Texas (or far away), that residence location requirement would be first and foremost and I would work hard to make that happen. In the end that would be more important than the financial impacts of anything else.