lfcjasp wrote:
I've cleaned in hotels...didn't have time to snoop. Get in, clean up and get on to the next room. NO overtime, the fewer hours it took to get your batch of rooms done, the better.
We picked up bedbugs...we never were quite sure, but had stayed one night in a very nice hotel. Fighting the vermin really pushed us to get an rv. So much nicer...our own little motel or home away from home:-)
As a management intern I was assigned to clean rooms for 5 days as part of a cross training program - the full roster of 12 rooms. Went to HR the 3rd day and said this wasn't what I signed up for and refused to do it anymore even if they terminated my contract. They didn't fire me BUT I learned some important lessons: 1) home attendants work seriously hard for their money and deserve the utmost respect and 2)crying like a wussy lil girl can get you what you want. Sometimes. Assuming you want to debase your self in that manner and goodness mercy I did:B.
You can acquire bedbugs anywhere so I don't make myself crazy about it.
Hotel vs RV?
Depends on the hotel and the RV. I've seen some funky looking RV interiors, homes and hotel rooms in my time.