“Morals of this episode:
It doesn't matter how long you've camped somewhere. It's rude to ask people to move for your convenience or because you didn't plan ahead.
It's also rude to ask them to break the park rules for your convenience or lack of planning.
It's downright wrong and even illegal to badger and bully someone to get your way. You're not the only camper there and the world doesn't revolve around you.”
Well said!
A similar episode happened to us last Friday at First Landing SP in VA. Sites are also first come first serve. We were in nice site close to the beach and waiting for a storm to pass so we could finish packing up for a 3:00 check out. A knock on the door at ~12:30 started the harassment. I open the door…the wind pulls it out my hand and slams it against the camper. A woman and her husband are standing in the wind/rain….which is now blowing in on me and in the trailer….asking, “What time are you leaving?” My response was…”when the storm blows over…put your tag under mine”. That obviously was not good enough…..”Well….what time is that?” I shut the door after it was apparent that waiting until my 3:00 check out was not in this couples mind. So they circled around and sat outside our camper…keep in mind they had their tag under ours so we were being accommodating.
I wanted to call the ranger and tell him they were trying to “strong arm us” off our site before check out but my wife went out (bless her heart….) and told them we have until 3:00 (which they said they knew) and will call them when we leave. They left us alone and we called……..could have done without the harassment....especially after we told them to place there tag under ours.
This is the second (and probably not the last) time this has happened to us. Several years ago we woke up to find a woman had sat-up her tent next to our pop-up and tried her dog to one of poles holding up the bed. Her reasoning was “she had camped in this spot for years”.