We have a fire place in the house we use all winter as primary heat, an outside fire pit at home, a smoker grill, and we do lots of campfires when camping. We do a LOT of fires! It goes to say, I also have 300 feet, 3 rows deep of fire wood at home, some split, some not split, waiting for fall to split easier.
We burn a lot of wood. We need something to start it very easy, especially on chilly mornings in the house. We stumbled onto a product that has proven itself over and over and over again, under all these conditions, and you don't necessarily have to start the fire with small kindling. We start our fires almost all the time with normal size split wood, stacked about 3 rows high, criss-cross.
On top of that we simply lay a little plastic packet that is filled with a flammable jell. I touch it off with a propane hand held blow torch (the type that plumbers use on copper pipe to soder them together). And, in 10 years or more of use, never had a fire NOT start with them.
What is this product? EZ Lite. $40 a box now, but worth every penny. We keep them in the house (a full box all the time), and in the camper (at least 30 - 40 of them). We also share them with other campers who we notice are also struggling to get a campfire going.
No, I am not a salesmen for EZ Lite (but I should be as many people as I've introduced this to and given away). But every person I've demonstrated for .... with THEIR campfire-firewood arrangement, are all amazed at how fast, quick, and easy it is to get THEIR campfire going.
I don't know if anyone has actually followed through and started using it themselves or not. I kind of don't think so. Most folks don't want to spend the $40 and would rather struggle with old news paper and dried leaves that never lights the fire wood.
The jell in the packet catches fire and then the jell drips onto the fire wood. It fills the holes and pours of the fire wood, and seeps in every crevice it touches. This causes the outer layer of each log to start burning, and with multiple logs together, the flames then begin to feed each other, causing an instant, continuous burning fire that catches very fast.
I calculated that each packet costs about $1.00 each. But after struggling for years with starter logs, wet news paper, and dried leaves, this stuff is absolutely marvelous!
It ships UPS to your house.
Click here.