Two years ago this month my daughter and I road out a storm at a campground in Kansas. My wife had to work that night and left the camper at about 12:15 am. About 60 seconds after she pulled away from the camper a big straight line wind came through and blew for about 2-3 minutes. The camper was rocking back and forth so bad my daughter had to hang on to the kitchen counter and the dinette bench back rest thinking the camper was going to roll over. Suddenly we heard a big crash. When everything settled down I opened the door to find a tree that was about 3 foot in diameter laying next to my truck. Exactly where my wife was parked in her car. The tree missed the truck by a foot and the camper by about 5 feet.
The next morning it took the park staff about 4 hours to clear the debris away so we could drive out of the park. About 4 camp sites down another tree the same size came down. These trees were about 70 feet tall. Never felt so lucky in my life.