et2 wrote:
I'm not buying it's a generational thing. I grew up ( baby boomer) being taught manners, respect of elders, rules mean something, laws are for a reason. Not to say there aren't jerks and people willing to be in your face from my generation, But there aren't as many as With the millennials. I blame it on many things. Too much government making it illegal to touch your own kids, much less a stranger saying something to them. Too much multi media in our lives and a huge lack of communication skills. Violent video games that consume the lives of many ( seen it in nieces and nephews). You would never in my generation be hearing about parents hitting officials at there kids sporting events, or the parents getting into fights. Sorry, I see it at restaurants when parents are there for dinners and there kids are climbing all over their booth or running around. I see these kids hitting their parents in the store ( because they wanted something) or swearing at there mom with vulgar language even I wouldn't use. One can only guess the family life at home.
We have a society were people have to go on TV to pick a mate. If you ask me society is teaching kids it's ok to be different and not to live within the norms. What you see today is society out of control that wants nothing to do with rules, regulation, laws, much less giving a rats behind about what others think. It is the AAM generation. We are at the point that even our politicians are at he verge of changing our constitution. Because it doesn't fit their ideas anymore.
You're right. It's a much better world when people who don't live within the norms are killed, locked away, tortured, etc. How dare we let a child think that he can wear purple and pink socks or think that she can shave her head without facing the consequences of going against the norms.
Yes, it IS OK to be different. The problem is that society (which is forged by the generations before the current one) forgot that humility and empathy are just as important as self-esteem.
And a world where nothing is allowed to change is a world that is dead. If rules, laws and regulations are sacred, then we wouldn't have the constitution because we wouldn't have warred against England (there are laws about that you know).