bob814u_and_juju812 wrote:
... Should campgrounds have basic etiquette guidelines printed on their maps and handouts? ...
Back to the "basic" question of this thread. Yes. Because some people just don't use common sense. Unfortunately, when common sense gets thrown out the window, it takes an "authority" to implement rules to force common sense and courtesy. The only people who get offended by the rules are those who feel they don't have to follow them. Those who follow them instinctively don't have a problem with the "rules", they are already do them.
Putting the rules on campground materials? Yes. First is protects the campground, and DOES give the campground a recourse to evict. When agreeing to use the campsite, you're agreeing to a contract and that contract are the "rules." This protects the campground.
Second, it protects all the campers too, and gives them a recourse if the rules are violated by other campers.
Now???? how these rules are enforced is an entirely separate forum topic, isn't it?
In over 50 years of camping, I've only been in one campground that actually "enforced" rules. I actually was not aware of the "rule" I violated, but it was so basic, I didn't even think about it. When the campground owner approached me on the subject (he didn't throw me out or anything), I was so taken back and the stupidity of it, we never went back to that campground again. And probably never will go back. So, I can't live by that rule. So, I also choose not to go back. I think both campground owner and myself are both happy with that! (common sense? Yes!)