We arrived at a campsite that we had reserved a few months in advance only to find someone else in it. We didn't really want to ask them to leave at first as they were cooking on the grill outside so we drove around trying to find another site we could fit in. All the available sites were too small. He was in a very small single axle TT vs our 37' FW. He could fit anywhere so we pulled up and told him he was in the spot we reserved. His response was he'd move but he figured when we were not there by 6pm, we were not coming. It wasn't even 6:30 and we'd been on the road all day. We had even called ahead to tell them we'd be a late arrival and asked if that was ok. There was a clear "RESERVED" sign on the post. We always "try" to get to campsites before 6pm out of respect but we had run into some construction that day that really slowed us down. He did move but he didn't look happy about it.