D & M wrote:
Man, you guys camp in some really wild places. Guns, wild dogs, drunks, fights, screaming kids. LOL
I've been doing this in state and private CG's for over 20 years and never once saw an "altercation" unless you consider some Dad yelling at his unruly kids to settle them down. Maybe I just mind my own business too much, or maybe I am just too laid back, but I only see people having fun.
X2. Gesus, where the hell do some of you people camp? I have RV'ed for over 40 years and have never seen anything remotely close to what some of you have described! I think "some of you" are just looking for a confrontation. I have several friends like that. Never did get that? :h
Anyway, when I'm on vacation, I'm on vacation. The last thing I want to do is get into a punching match with somebody or roll around on the ground with another guy; even if I win the fight I don't want to get involved in one while on vacation!
About the only altercation I got into was not very much of an altercation. I was in NM on vacation with my family and we stopped at a Taco Bell to eat. We got out of the pickup and started to walk across the parking lot and I heard a HEY, HEY, HEY YOU!! We stopped and looked and there were two Native Americans coming our way. A BIG guy and one about my size. At this time we noticed both were VERY drunk. The big guy say's I'm "FBI" and points to his hat which confirmed he was indeed "FBI" because it said right on his hat "FBI." He then asks me; "do you know what FBI means? I said, "Aaaaaaaaaaaa no?"
He then said: "FULL BLOODED INDIAN"..............and then proceeded to slap his knees and laugh so hard he almost fell to the ground in his drunken state.
I look at my wife and started to crack up laughing myself. I know, I know, it wasn't that funny but you had to be there. Something about the way he said it made it very funny to me.
I said, that's a good one, now you two take care man, we have to go eat. They both said thank you and we parted ways without throwing punches or rolling around on the ground with each other.
My family still talks about that story to this day. Fun memories! :)