We had driven 450 miles with my wife driving our new classic car that was just picked up from the shop while I towed the trailer with our Dodge. Had reservations at this brand new park and were going a little out of our way to head there. Had some issues during the journey that delayed us from our original daylight arrival into a late night arrival. Called ahead and was told it was not an issue.
Pulled in and picked up the night registration packet with instructions on where to go. The park has several hundred spaces and at this point in time had maybe 4 or 5 rigs in total. Wife asks me where she should park. I instruct her to park in the empty site (the entire row was empty too) opposite ours with the headlights on to help us back in.
The extra light was very helpful and we succeeded in backing the rig in. I was just about to hookup the electric when the "camp security guy" approached. I figured he was there to greet us... nope. First words out of his mouth "is that your car over there?" "How dare you park in a site that is not yours. I almost called the Sheriff to have it towed!"
I immediately apologized and began to walk over to move it but he kept on going "you did not tell us you were bringing a second car for all I know you are car thieves and are committing some sort of fraud..." blah blah blah and on and on he went for at least 2-3 minutes. It was at the point where both my wife and I (we had our 13 month old son with us too) felt very threatened.
At this point I had that decision to make, you know the one, do I just let it go and move on or risk having to pack up and roll down the road? I decided I was okay with moving on if need be and turned my inner aggressor ON. I let the guy have it, in a civil manner of course ;). Finally the manager came over and apologized.
The next day I contacted the park management firm and laid the story out for them; we have 5 nights free stay at that park plus another week stay at any of their other parks.
In fact the only "altercations" we have ever had at parks usually centers around rude or obnoxious staff members. Just this last week we were calling around for a place to stay and this "Resort" lady laughs at me and responds "why would we have any sites open this time of year?" Nice customer service lady not staying at your park ever.