Mar 12, 2014Explorer
Camping Altercations?
Just looking for short stories of any camping altercation you have ever had with other campers? Just thought it would be fun to read thru them.
Dog Trainer wrote:code3run wrote:
Why do dog owners assume we all love their dogs as much as they do? I have a dog but I dont just let him jump on people figuring they love it too....
I mentioned in another post that years ago a guy pulled out an ak47 and fired at my friends for some reason. Nobody was hit but the guy did go to jail. That was desert camping not a campground.
I guess it is the same reason that people think we love their children and grandchildren as much as they do and then excuse their terrible behavior as cute.
Shot-N-Az wrote:
Ok, after reading these stories, does anyone still wonder why there are class A-only resorts with 10 year age limits on motorhomes?
DSteiner51 wrote:
Note to self... NEVER camp with members of
DSteiner51 wrote:
Note to self... NEVER camp with members of
fla-gypsy wrote:Shot-N-Az wrote:
Ok, after reading these stories, does anyone still wonder why there are class A-only resorts with 10 year age limits on motorhomes?
Based on some of the last comments I am glad I have never been to the Class A only 10 year rule resort. Like they somehow never do such things? I would rather live in the real world than live in an imaginary world where I think I am somehow better than others.
colliehauler wrote:fla-gypsy wrote:I'm sure to them that is the real world. Sanitized for your protection.Shot-N-Az wrote:
Ok, after reading these stories, does anyone still wonder why there are class A-only resorts with 10 year age limits on motorhomes?
Based on some of the last comments I am glad I have never been to the Class A only 10 year rule resort. Like they somehow never do such things? I would rather live in the real world than live in an imaginary world where I think I am somehow better than others.