One of the families in our "group" grew up camping, and we tented with them a few times until we decided we wanted to get a TT. We "grew away" from that first family, but another family we are close with ended up buying a TT a few years after we did and we ended up camping with them a few times a year, for almost 10 years. Then we had another family join us for a couple trips for a few years.
Then all our kids grew up, activities change, weekends just become clogged with other things to do. Our last "hurrah", Memorial Day weekend, is not happening anymore. It is just life.
Actually, no one we know well camps as much as we do. Our kids are in college now, and basically don't camp with us anymore.
Wife and I are still camping, and we have 5 trips planned for this year.
As to meeting people to camp with? Hmmm.... When you go to "kid centric" or "family" campgrounds, many times kids will just start playing with other kids. We've met a few other families when our kids brought over new "friends". Think about buying a bunch of "dollar store" toys that your son can share without worrying about them breaking or getting lost. Go over to the campsite of kids that your son meets, say hello. "Feel them out" a little bit (or a LOT bit) - Invite them for dinner, lunch, or breakfast. Ask if they are going to the Bingo or show or movie the campground is showing. Of course, always compliment and ask about their camper - everyone wants to talk about their camper!
One thing to try is consistently going to certain campgrounds. We ended up seeing a couple families more than once over the years because a couple campgrounds we always went to on the same "theme" weekend - Halloween weekends are HUGE around us, and then there is "Christmas in July", and our favorite campground has a "Cowboy Weekend" (yes, kids actually run around with cap guns!).
Keep your attitude and campsite open and friendly. I always make a point to at least say hello to our immediate neighbors when we are camping... that way we kind of keep an eye on each others campsites, and our kids will "know" our neighbors for the weekend. Try not to "push" it... you'll run into people and families as time goes on. Some want to be friendly, others just want to get away from their house on the weekend.
Just go camping!