Scott_85 wrote:
How did you meet your camping buddies, the Wife and I are both 29 and it seems that every campground we go its filled with older people (no offense to anybody). We would like to meet people to hang out thats our age and have kids that close to our sons age (8). It just seems difficult, my in-laws camp but they will only travel within an hour of their home and don't go that often.
We are in our late 30s and our kids are 12, 10, and 6.
If you have an 8 year old boy, try your school cub scouting group. That's where we found our camping family.
We camp at Yogi Bear type campgrounds often with lots of other young families. We've made friends there, but only the campfire type friends. Nobody we've ever kept in touch with or made other plans to get together.
We met our camping family 6 years ago through cub scouts. The friendship started off slowly of course, but has built over time. First one invited the entire pack to a family campout and we had fun. Then, we organized a family campout and they came and we had fun. Their boys are out of scouts now but we still enjoy camping together at least 4 times a year.