my daughter was the one who made our friends while camping mostly and our little dog she walked.
she would find friends, play and next thing it was she was invited to their site for s'mores. I would always check out the parents of her new friends, chat, etc. and be sure she was in a safe environment....then we would be invited to the campfire and chat away with nice new people.
then I would invite their kids back to our campsite for hot dogs on a stick over a fire for fun the next night and also invite the parents to drop by. most would come...have a brew, chat about where they were from.
these people are from everywhere, not something that can be taken farther lets meet in Dec at XX place. That isn't probably ever going to happen.
but camping buddies--like to go with all the time?? can ya search out and join a group that meets up? rv club?
we are satisfied with meeting new people and enjoying that trip with whoever we meet. sometimes it is action packed with people, sometimes it is a very quiet camping trip and we stay mostly to ourselves. not the kid, she finds friends at every turn, sometimes it doesn't escalate into a parents meeting thing.