As a solo camper, I understand the desire to have others join in on your camping fun. But, it can be hard trying to find someone interested in camping with you. I would start with your existing friends and your son's existing friends. Rather than trying to commit them into a full camping trip, tell them your plans and say "we'd love it if you could come out for a day or two". This makes it less intimidating.
For me, I did this with one friend who I knew camped, then started inviting a couple clipper club folks to join me, and then inviting another friend out for a day when I'm in her neck of the woods. It has resulted in most of my trips having someone drop by for a full day or overnight at least. With the exception of the one "day-trip friend", there is no commitment - just a "we might try to stop by". The day-trip friend, we normally pick a day in advance and I make sure I have meals planned that she will like since she just drives out in a car.