am1958 wrote:
pnichols wrote:
It's called decency with regards to, and respect for, other human beings. It should be honored out in the middle of nowhere or in New York on New Year's Eve.
You're quite correct of course but it's only going to occur in the land of rainbows and unicorns I'm afraid. In the real world the plebs have not been taught such airs and graces.
I wonder if pnichols has ever lived (I mean "lived") in the Middle-East ... Israel, Syria, Jordan, Egypt? I have many years ago. And the very first cultural shock to over come is how "touchy" people are. Paws and hands all over you. Everyone rubbing up against you, pushing up on you. You have no "personal space". After a year of that culture, you get use to it, and then you come back to the USA where everyone is so reclusive and "get out of my space" attitude. We have social and legal laws about touching each other. It's gotten ridiculous and it seems these days, everyone is claiming their own right of way with everything and EVERYONE has to yield to them!
Personally, I liked that "touchy-feelie" atmosphere a lot better than our own off-standish attitude in the USA.
I have no desire to go back and live there again, but it was enough of a culture experience to know that our way of doing "some" things is really horrible.