Grit dog wrote:
Don't worry about it.
Especially in Yellowstone. There will be about 5000 people camping and cooking within spitting distance of you, so your cheeseburgers on the BBQ won't be anything special.
And if there is a wayward bear getting close to a human center there, chances of you being the first to see it and it not already being intercepted by the rangers is very slim.
Having camped at Yellowstone ourselves I'd agree totally. If you want to see bears 99.9% you're going to have to go looking, just as
everyone does. Being first timers I read through the "riot act" regarding bears & responsible camping practices and did use the bear box nearest to our campsite and did store our food in the TV rather than the camper - until I later discovered virtually no one else did. :R The
only thing rangers did seem to care about and did monitor was anyone leaving out grills, coolers, anything with food or drink when it wasn't actually being used, otherwise there was no mention of any other special precautions nor were there any restrictions on the use of grills or cooking outside. I did once come out of the camper one morning to see the biggest bull moose I'd ever seen in my life wandering through the campground - but he could've cared less about any of us, he was on his own trip! :W