There seem to be quite a few of us old guys that camped early on and have kids in their 50's who are still camping and occationally with us.
Our girls are also 55 and 56, both are thankful for the life lessons learned tenting with us. One was involved with Outdoor Woman until she had to cut back due to cancer but went rock fish fishing this week with the other marine biologists from work. The youner one is a certified BSA Camp Director.
The DGS just returned from a two week treck through and around Denali. The DGD is like her Nana, and told her fiance, lf were going to SLC for your Grandad's funeral, we're taking extra time off and driving and camping. By the way, they are 16 and 18 resectfully
Thank godness for tents and wives who helped us with exposing this life to our kids and grandkids.