I have been camping since '58 when I was 3. My parents hauled us all over the country in a variety of Chevy sedans with a basket top carrier to haul the 12 x 16 canvas tent. when I got met and married (to the right woman this time) in 1985 we started hauling her 2 daughters and then our additional 2 daughters all over the country, in tents and then popup campers. Three of the 4 daughters love camping and the other one seems to think she was raised with a gold spoon in her mouth and will NOT EVER go camping. Four years ago, my wife and I took our Toyota MH, her Merc pulling our popup and 2 kids with two of their kids on a three week trip to the Rockies. Everyone had a great time. Now they want to do it again. Teach them how to camp when they are young, make it fun, and maybe they will continue when they get older.