jake2250 wrote:
We do allot of winter camping along the Northern California Coast (north of SF), Crab season starts in November. One place we frequent often affords no hook ups.
You either need allot of solar or a good generator. From November thru April it tends to be very damp and windy, thus we tend to run the furnace allot.
We do use a Mr Buddy during the day and also have 200 watts of solar so we do not need to run the genny often.
Others tend to run their generators during non quiet times and we have actually camped next to a couple of campers that seem to run it for about four hours during the day and from sundown until quiet time (10P.M.).
Unless we are socked in with fog we do not need to run our Honda 2K that often and only will run it during dinner prep so as to use the microwave and watch a movie after dinner.
Knowing the situation it doesn't bother us to hear the hum of generators
running. Most folks we encounter are conscious of others and some have actually constructed sound barriers to quiet the noisy ones down some..
I think you bring up an important factor: what are the circumstances of the location/event and how does that alter the inappropriateness/appropriateness of the generator use.
If I go to a winter campground with snow, then I expect to hear generators running. If I go to a Texas beach campground in 110 degree weather, I expect to hear generators running. I know to expect them, so they don't bother me under those circumstances.
When I go to a campground in the forest with 70-80 degree days and 50-60 degree nights, then I don't expect to hear generators running constantly.