pnichols wrote:
Hmmmm ....: Why is it then - if quality coming out of China can be "all over the map" depending directly upon the specs of the company/distributor ordering the manufacture of it - that in contrast, products coming from Germany are almost universally of good quality?
Could it be that there is some kind of "national culture", or other related thing going on with the personnel and workers within the German industrial complex that helps quality along?
If there is ... then I prefer products sourced from such places with that magic ingredient that helps quality along. I'm not sure that the Chinese industrial complex contains the national culture, or whatever other things, necessary to put together products like Germany does ... regardless of the build-specs imposed.
We lived in West Germany for a number of years. There was definitely a "national culture" - imagine everyone cleaning the sidewalk and street in front of their home, workers in factories having great pride in the quality of their work, etc. However, when the wall came down there was an influx of East Germans who had lived under socialism who lacked the "national culture". Germany is still working to regain their culture, but I doubt that it will ever return to what it was before.