mdcamping wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Turn on spigot for few seconds, connect hose run for a few seconds, connect to RV.
At a state campground in MA about 5 yrs back I was starting to finish up at a 2 way island dump station, guy pulls up on the opposite side in a New Class C, I glanced over noticed he was kind of nervous, well he opens his black tank valve and lets it rip! NO SEWER HOSE! I just got out of dodge fast! while leaving I did notice he was trying to wash it down with the non potable water spigot.
We just saw that at Liberty Harbor. It was a class C from overseas - I could tell because it was shaped weird and had a funky license plate.
They just pulled up close to the drain and opened the valve. No rinsing either. I wondered if that's the way they do it where they come from...
Luckily there was a good rain before we had to dump.