I carry 2 of the EZ-UP Quik-Shade type canopies .
The older 10x10 has steel legs and is very heavy .
The newer one is 12 x 12 and has a lighter framework and does not weigh any more than the old 10x10 .
Both fold down to about 63 inches by about 10" x 10 " .
It really takes 2 people to set them up quickly .
Actually we do better when we manuever around the middle of the accordian horizontal frame instead of the legs .
I have a hd 2500 gmc so the heavy weight is not an issue .
I take both most of the time even with the TT .
We do a lot of "boat camping " where the TT stays home .
We pitch a comfortable outfitter type 4 season tent and we always get our EZ-UPs in place first .
No substitute for having the picnic table covered for rain or falling forest fluff .
Plus we like shade sometimes where the clearing is .
I have pitched the 10 x 10 over my tent when we have gotten into really foul weather .
I suspend a little 8 x 10 plastic tarp from one side of the EZ-UP frame and have stayed completely dry in my tent for a few days .
Our adult son carries a 10 x 10 Quik-Shade in their honda crv for tent camping so it can be done .
His folds to 63 " x 10" x 10" also .
These have made our campouts possible even when we have some bad weather .