silvercorvette wrote:
Unfortunately gun threads are usually locked quickly because there are people that are anti gun and get upset when the topic is discussed. As a retired cop I can carry a handgun in all 50 states. But for most people traveling with a handgun can cause problemsJust driving through states like NY & NJ to a state that is gun friendly will get you in trouble. You are less likely to get in trouble with the law if you carry a shotgun. I do carry a hand gun with me wherever I go but I always keep my 12 gauge within reach when I am asleep because a shotgun is a better more effective self defense weapon than a hand gun, if I am sleeping in a out of the way parking lot or rest area having a way to defend myself is a important consideration. Although shotguns are usually the best weapon you should also have less lethal options such as a spray chemical irritant or a taser that is able to fire the darts at your tacker which allows you to keep a safe distance. if you have young children take precautions to insure they don't have unauthorized access. I grew up before gun locks were widely used, if fact most people had their unlocked guns hanging on the wall and when I was a kid I was trained how to handle a gun. I was allowed to take my gun from the wall rack and shoot it anytime I wanted to as long as I was with an adult. Times have changed today and that type of behavior would get the child and parent in trouble today.
Bottom line study the laws and be familiar with the laws of each state you are passing through.
not to be disagreeable with what you have to say about the issue, because I don’t disagree, nor to change the tone of the thread, but unfortunately IMHO the threads are closed mostly because of chest pounding rights without responsibility post that are always followed by disagreement of equal irresponsibility… this thread is already reaching uncharted longevity here, and let’s hope for once it can continue in the good natured and informative intent it was made… we need good information and exchange on every subject that affects us even in disagreement or conflicting information or subjects…
good post and good information…