rk911 wrote:
ScottG wrote:
When I was 14 y/o (1975) I had a young friend die from a bike accident. A helmet would have kept him from any serious injusry. If I had a CG I would employ a helmet rule and in this state it's the law.
You never know where these rules come from. It's such a minor thing to ask of their guests and it could be it came about for a pretty good reason.
and that's the inherent problem with all of these well-meaning, nanny rules. my wife and I are perfectly able to care for ourselves. want to encourage helmets, fine. but the decision is, or should be, ours.
You are right some these rules came about usually because of stupid people or people who sue. However, bikes, like motorcycles require helmets in some areas. If a rider gets hurt more without a helmet it would also be unfair to make the other party pay more because of no helmet, safety belt etc.