Homer wrote:
In the many many years of riding bikes, I have yet to ever see a bad head injury or really any kind of head injury. I have seen lots of skinned elbows, skinned knees, skinned knuckles from riding too close to a fence or a wall.
Let me make the decision to wear a helmet don't force me to do something that is designed to CYA.
I am in no way trying to be snarky with this reply. And I respect your right not to wear a helmet if you choose. But I think your personal experience is somewhat in conflict with the facts
I am sorry I am not smart enough to link this, but if your were to google anns sports related head injury. You will find cycling is responsible for about 90K head injuries a year. Twice the next sport which is football. And it further states wearing a helmet, while cycling reduces this risk of head injury 85%. This from the American College of neurological surgeons. But to each his own, And the amount of risk they are willing to accept, is their personal choice.