Tom N wrote:
Fact, there are more head injuries, in a campground, by slideouts than bicycles.
Beware of those spouting "facts" based on fiction. Can you cite where this "fact" originated? Besides, losing control and hitting your head on a tree or rock, or hitting a car because they pulled out in front of you can bear a much greater consequence than knocking your head on a slide.
A couple of years ago, I saw a bicyclist hit a car because the car pulled out from a side street. He was wearing a helmet and wasn't seriously hurt. Based on the broken window where his head hit, I'd say it would have been a much different story if he wasn't wearing it.
C'mon, folks, the cg isn't requiring everyone to wear pink underwear or something silly like that. They're looking after their own interest because, regardless if a waiver was signed not to sue, people would if they were hurt. Even if they didn't win, someone becoming a vegetable or getting killed at their campground would give them a bad reputation no matter whose fault it was.