mowermech wrote:
Uma & Papa wrote:
If on a Military Base....guess what you play by their rules. Wear your helmet, seat belts on, better not have a phone in your hand, do the speed limit and better have insurance. All fine by me.
THAT is very true. BUT, think a minute; do you REALLY want to live life with all the rules and regulations that we had to live with while in the military?
No, thanks. I put up with that for enough years, to qualify for retirement. I don't want to put up with it now that I am retired. Oh, sure, when I exercise my rights as a retiree, I obey the base rules and regulations. HOWEVER, when I leave the base, I also leave their rules and regulations behind me.
I certainly do NOT want them following me in civilian life!
Glad someone used the military base rules as an example. You obey the base regulations because you want to be there and your presence is contingent upon obeying the rules. This is exactly like a nice campground. It is somewhere you want to be but being there is also contingent upon obeying their rules.
If you do not want to comply then it is your choice to simply not be there but it is NOT your choice to ignore or selectively comply with the rules.