Homer wrote:
In the many many years of riding bikes, I have yet to ever see a bad head injury or really any kind of head injury. I have seen lots of skinned elbows, skinned knees, skinned knuckles from riding too close to a fence or a wall.
Let me make the decision to wear a helmet don't force me to do something that is designed to CYA.
Well Homer, you've led a sheltered life!.:R
Also, we live in a litigious society!
Anyone can (and does) sue anybody for anything!..:S
In 30 years of responding to medical emergencies, I've seen plenty of head injuries to both bicycle riders and motorcycle riders..:(
(With and w/o helmets)
Several depositions over the years by/for riders who have incurred head injuries and can't cover the costs of their medical treatment.
"Somebody" will have to pay, right?
Example: A young (20's) gal that fell on a busy blvd, hit her head and became a paraplegic. She was wearing a helmet.
At the time of the accident, the other riders stated she had just simply "lost it" and went down.
Whatever insurance she had (if any) had hit the max - and she was looking at a lifetime of necessary medical care and assistance.
However, her attorneys claimed there was a crack in the asphalt which caused her to fall, therefore the city was liable.
The surface was "pristine" - and she lost the case.
Another type (cause) of head injury resulting in litigation:
Young girl was hit in the head by a rock thrown by another kid in front of the local elementary school she attended. (School was out).
The parent's insurance covered 80% of her extensive medical bills,
but still had enormous out-of-pocket costs.
The parents of the kid who threw the rock had no assets.
Sooooo - the injured kid's parents sued the school.
Somebody has to pay, right? - (The school paid).
Could go on and on - but I'm glad I live in a state which requires helmets for bike and M/C riders.
I have also been both a bike and M/C rider - for fun and competition.
Lots of cronies who also do both.
In a moment of distraction, a bike rider friend rear-ended a parked pickup, planting his head (with helmet) into the tailgate.
He became extremely combative and wanted to duke it out with the PD officers who responded. (Common with head injuries).
Fortunately, they knew he was a local F/F, and easily restrained him until medics arrived. (They had no clue why he wanted to fight).
He remembered nothing of the incident - but agrees the concussion he received would have been far worse w/o the helmet.
Simple solution for the OP (and others):
If you don't like the rules, go elsewhere..:S
"Problem" solved!..:C