This issue with not chaining up, can mean in some cases, a 2-4 day wait! I've seen some of the passes locally that have been shut down that long, or you have a day of chain use required, shut for 2-3 days, then another half to whole day or intermittent openings with chains required.
Or if you are like myself, and upwards of 300 OTHER RV's I have counted in different ski area's parking lots, if you want to go skiing/boarding, you put the chains on! be it on an RV or your personal rig!
It really comes down to, chains are a safety item for those road conditions. Refuse to put them on, no big, if pulled over with out, you get a ticket. If you sit it out, a tow truck may show up to pull you out depending upon where you stopped etc. again, $$$$ out of your pocket.......
At the end of the day, if traveling thru the mtn passes here in the western states, BC etc, one better have chains in there rig, ready to use, if you total gvwr is over or potentially over 10K gvw.