Old-Biscuit wrote:
9AM IS a bit early
Heck 10AM was an early departure time for us
We typically saw 11AM check out times and 1pm check in times during our travels
Fees/availability are becoming more and more of issues as more and more folks get involved in camping....and us older folks don't stop :B
It's funny you should mention an 11 am check out time ... I just looked back on some of our Reserve America reservations I've made in the past for camping in various places in the US and noticed that a check out time of 11 am was quite common. I guess I never really thought about it much because usually when we're in the US camping we're traveling, which means that on the day of departure we're leaving early anyway and wouldn't be impacted by an early 11 am check out time. It also means we generally are arriving later in the day so a several hour gap between check out / check in times wouldn't have affected us either.