Lantley wrote:
WNJJ I see your point on what about the other guy? I have no control or concern for the schedule of others, as long as I am playing by the rules that are given.
While the next camper may not check in when they wanted the CG gets full revenue for a vacant site which may help offset a loss somewhere else.
The next camper is really not inconvenienced because they have no idea that I have left or am still there as far as they are concerned the site is occupied.
The reservation system has the site as occupied.The loss that occurs is strictly my own.
Camping for us is about the destination and a full spot often means nowhere else to go. There little to no new state and federal campgrounds being built and there aren’t many backup options. My point is about letting the most people enjoy the few resources. I agree that the first come person is well within their rights to book as many nights as they desire, however booking a night I don’t intend to stay isn’t something I’d do. With public resources it isn’t just about the park getting paid. I’m guessing private parks would love people who pay and don’t stay the night. I’m more of a take (buy) what you need, use what you take kind of guy. Buying the next night instead of wanting later checkout times doesn’t seem to be any more considerate of the next guy, in my opinion. He may not know the difference as to why but it still means he couldn’t arrive that day or move into the spot he wanted until “official” check in time the next day.
I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind here, just sharing a different perspective having been on the short end of the “occupied but not used” stick.