TCollins wrote:
I've got a 2002 F250 with the 7.3L turbo diesel. Just for grins and giggles I decided to consult the owners manual to see what Ford's take was on this topic.
For cold weather starts they recommend heating the glow plugs, starting the engine and let it idle for 15 seconds (not a typo)! They did, however, recommend a 7 to 10 minute cool down after extended high speed or maximum GVW operation.
The truck has over 150000 miles on it and it has never been in the shop for an engine/transmission problem.
Clicked on one of those Youtube diesel vids recently talking about this subject in some detail & why. Waddyaknow? He said pretty much the same thing. Extended warm up in all but extreme cold is totally unneeded.
Basically by the time you start up, check your lights, antenna down, chocks out, you are good to go. Unless the interstate on ramp is right next to your campsite, by the time you reach it you will be well up to temps.