Toolguy5 wrote:
Thanks everyone.
I have been in the smokies and I have left it in drive with tow haul and exhaust brake on and it works great. But I know the Rockies are a lot different.
So I will trust my truck and leave it in drive/ tow haul and exhaust brake on.
That'll work as well as you pickin your own gear for the most part.
The one siituation where you'll want to use manual mode is say it's a little too steep for the exh brake to hold you at a certain speed but you don't want it downshifting yet another gear and screaming when you tap the brakes. If you choose to use the service brakes a bit more then you can hold a gear manually.
Idk if that even makes sense. Basically to keep it from hunting downshifts you'd rather not have.
Then again, I drive my newer trucks with manual mode autos in manual mode sometimes just for fun. Give ya something else to do with your right thumb! Lol