Forum Discussion

keymastr's avatar
May 31, 2017

clip on mirrors?

Well I just bought a trailer and will need some clip on type tow mirrors for my 2005 Expedition. Should be the same as that vintage F150. I will eventually get a set of the factory style tow mirrors but will need a set to get me by until then since I pick it up in a couple days. Any suggestions? Any to for sure avoid?
  • There are CIPAs and then there are CIPAs. I had a pair that clipped on to my existing mirror and used a strap that held them in place. I did not get the slip on type because they, at the time, did not make them for my 4Runner.

    They were terrible. They vibrated which was not a problem in itself, but the vibration caused them to move so I had to stop now and then and readjust. And, they would make noise.

    I agree with those who said to look into getting factory original types. If that is not possible, make sure you get something without straps. The slide on ones do look more promising than then ones I used.
  • we use mckeesh mirrors on our rather narrow Dakota
    kinda ugly but totally functional

    installation and removal takes seconds, nice big mirror, and nice clear vibration free view even when extended way out

    they remind me of the old fender well mount mirrors from the 60's and 70's on family station wagons
  • BarneyS wrote:
    I used the CIPA slip-on mirrors on one of my trucks for years and never had a problem with them. They did not vibrate, were easy to put on and remove, and gave me a decent view to the rear of my trailer.

    x2 I used the CIPA mirrors when I had a F150, they worked great with no vibration.
  • I used the CIPA slip-on mirrors on one of my trucks for years and never had a problem with them. They did not vibrate, were easy to put on and remove, and gave me a decent view to the rear of my trailer.
  • The only add-on mirror that I ever found to be worthwhile was the set of McKeesh Mirrors that I used for 12+ years. Very solid, no vibration. There's a company that sells a copy-cat of the McKeesh, but they are of much lesser quality....
  • The clamp on ones I had for my 97 F150 were great.. Didn't vibrate enough to make them unsaleable? They really worked fine for backing up into the site, and you are not going fast enough to vibrate the mirrors..

    Going down the hwy, you don't need to be able to read the other vehicles license plate.. Just that they are there... Right?

    Anyway, whatever works for you..

    Good luck!

  • Hmm.. I have a pair of K-Source Universal Clip-on Towing Mirrors and they don't vibrate very much when properly attached. My only issue with them is they don't extend out far enough for a really good view because my Canyon is narrower than a standard size pickup.
  • X2 on the vibration making the mirrors worthless. Use the money for real mirrors.
  • Don't waste your money. You can find factory replacementsettings on and eBay. Clip on vibrate so bad they are worthless