Forum Discussion

sele's avatar
Jul 13, 2014

clipped mirror Please be careful

FYI is all
we were on the way into one of our favorite campgrounds in Missouri On Wednesday, Cuivere River in Missouri, on the road leading in which is narrow to begin with we met an older suv that was in my opion driving to fast crossed the double yellow line and clipped our mirror.
We got stopped and lucky for all concerned was a couple of broken mirrors. So close though and the gentleman that was driving the suv was at least 85 and admitted he had crossed the double yellow line.
Guess my thought is be careful and go slow I even try to hug the outside white line but didn't help this time
  • Here's a conversation you don't want to have...

    Bob...I need a new mirror for my truck do you have one and how much will it cost?

    Dealer parts person (DPP)...a very nice young lady..."what's your VIN?"

    Bob...VIN is such and such number.

    DPP...Um that will be $1202.48.

    Bob...WHAT???..You gotta be kidding me...right... It can't be $1202.48. It's a fricken mirror. Somethings wrong there..Don't you think?

    DPP...Well...I thought so too. So I double checked...according to your VIN...your mirror is remote control....Right?

    Bob...Well yeah.

    DPP..and it folds in and out...Motor driven...Right?


    DPP...And it is and out...Also motor driven...right?


    Dpp...Has an integrated signal light...Right?

    Bob... Uh Huh?

    Dpp...Defrost function...right?


    Dpp...And a chrome cover?


    Dpp...And a convex mirror along with a regular mirror?


    Dpp...Memory function?


    Dpp...Well...Yeah... the price is...$1202.48

    Bob...OK...When can I get it.

    Dpp...Tomorrow...10:00 AM...Installation will be free.

    Bob....GREAT...I'll be there at 10:00AM
  • I've had 3 kidney stones. Twice, when I lived in town, I drove myself to the hospital. I was living out in the country for the third one, so I called an ambulance. One of the roads out was very twisty & narrow (great fun in my '83 Rabbit GTi ;)). On the way out, sure enough we smacked mirrors with a pickup in a curve. The old guy driving the pickup insisted that the ambulance stay there until the NCSHP arrived.

    They sent a 2nd ambulance, and I got transferred. The 1st crew came by to visit me in the emergency room. The driver made the comment that he was sure glad he'd been wearing wraparound sunglasses, since his window was down and the mirrors exploded in his face.

    The first two stones were slow & intensely painful. Darn'd glad there was morphine available. But I passed this 'un with no issues. Maybe the shock scared it out... ;)

    Jim, "Mo' coffee!"
  • Several years ago I had a similar mirror meets mirror incident with a truck on a local road. Evidently neither of us realized what happened since neither of us stopped to investigate. I didn't even realize what happened until I got home and later noticed a small discoloration on the back of the driver's side mirror.
  • RV mirrors stick out a bit, on most of our rigs, the better to see what's "back there." This creates an optical illusion for oncoming traffic: we appear narrower than our mirrors would indicate.

    I had a similar instance a couple years ago. Towing down a narrow country road, an oncoming pickup clipped my mirror. I was all but in the ditch, he was nowhere near the ditch. Fortunately, no damage beyond both of us having to reset the mirrors.

    Glad your damage was limited to mirrors, which, after all, can be replaced, and fairly cheaply at that.
  • We were driving West just after visiting Yosemite Nat'l Park. Those fiberglass poles that mark the road for snow plows were placed along the road. Rounding a curve, one of the poles leaned well into my lane and smacked the mirror housing and broke away half of it. $540 to get new one which I mounted myself.
  • Glad it was just the mirror,hate to think what it could have been. I drive truck for a living and it is amazing what I see on a daily basis. Speed limits are never obeyed and drivers are doing everything BUT driving. Keep in mind that just because a certain number is on a sign does not mean that you should travel that fast especially while towing. Safe travels.