revump wrote:
colliehauler wrote:
So how does GS Platinum compare with Coach Net? I have always bought GS Platinum and have thankfully not needed it.
You will get strong opinions from both sides of the isle…
I have used both and have had much better responses from GS and Unless there have been changes to CN that I am unaware of GS is contractually better IMHO…
It must depend on who you get to come to your aid ... My experience was just the opposite - GS let me down and CN was there on the spot
No its more than that, but that may be true also because most towing companies that do motor clubs, contract to all of the motor clubs…
I was in low country in the Carolinas on a grassy site it had rained for more than a week and unfortunately I needed a pull to get out…
CN would not even dispatch a truck without agreeing to accept the total cost…
It would be kind to call the CS rep. rude,
and subsequently I learned their contract does not cover that except when the pull is needed to effect a tow for a mechanical breakdown only…
all backed up by a supervisor the next day… others will argue with that but it’s in black and white for all to see… except when you can’t see the contract…
GS will do that exact same pull so you can proceed under your own power… also spelled out in black and white for all to see…
GS will cover a tow needed after a minor accident…
GS will do sign and drive in Mexico to a dollar limit… CN will reimburse to a higher dollar limit…
Just some differences I can easily think of that still exist and there may be others…