Forum Discussion

pigman1's avatar
Jan 13, 2014

Coach Net Keeping Secrets??

When we purchased the new Bus, the dealer gave us a complementary Coach Net membership for a year, which we appreciated, but didn't use. Since it is about to expire, I was interested in renewing it, and when I received the usual barrage of notices for the renewal, I read them carefully. Unfortunately, none of these were more than Coach Net "How Great I AM" advertising. A statement buried in their documentation says that if there is a discrepancy in the advertising documentation versus their Member Benefit Guide, the benefit guide governs. OK, that's only fair. That's the contract between them and me. So I called and asked for a copy of their Membership Guide to review, AND THEY SAID THEY COULDN'T SEND IT TO ME UNTIL I BOUGHT THE SERVICE.

HUH!!!! Sounds sort'a like "You gott'a pass it before we tell you what's in it" to me and I don't work that way. Didn't believe it then, and don't believe it now.

Customer GONE>

When are these fools going to learn? According to some, P. T. Barnam said there was a sucker born every minute, but I try not to be that one.
  • There are lots of people that complain about Good Sam Roadside Assistance, but we have used it numerous times for both our 5th wheel as well as our tow vehicle and our personal car and we have always had good service.

    My one caveat to that is that you get a deluge of mail from them throughout the year.