pitch wrote:
Neither my coleman lanterns or my Coleman stove was designed to run on Coleman Fuel. There was no such thing in 1959 and 1961. They were designed to run on gasoline. It was sold as White Gas. Nowadays it is sold as unleaded.
That said I run mine on the naptha fuel sold as Coleman Liquid fuel.
I have used pump gas when I have run out,but the Naptha does not stink as bad.
I think your dates and a few other facts are a little off.
I've got an old Coleman fuel can on display at our summer place, the label says 1946.
White gas and modern 'unleaded gas' are nowhere near the same thing. White gas was sold in a time when lead was the ONLY additive in gasoline. Today, ethanol, anti-knock and cleansing chemicals, and a host of other additives are normal in gasoline. They're not good for a Coleman lantern, they're even worse for your eyes and lungs if you use them in an enclosed space.