mileena wrote:
I plan to become a full-timer in a few years and domicile in SD. Has anyone had any problem getting a concealed carry permit in SD? ....
I didn't have any trouble obtaining my SD permit or renewing it after 5 yrs. Each local county sheriff may make getting through the process a bit easier or harder, but the requirements are the same statewide.
Yes, several years back SD changed the state law to require evidence that you were physically present in your local county for at least 30 days to qualify for a CCW and to renew. Has nothing to do with SD residency or DL requirements, its just an added requirement for CCW, regardless of your county. The state lawmakers decided they didn't mind issuing a DL to those who only spend one night in SD, but they wanted 30 days for a ccw. My RV park receipt and some fuel & restaurant receipts were more than acceptable.
The problem I and others have run into, is that some of the SD gun shops (large brand stores) refuse to sell handguns to those with a PMB address. (You can only buy handguns in your home state or through a FFL in your home state)
They blame refusing PMB addresses on ATF rules, but I spoke to the regional ATF supervisor and he said no such rule about specific types of addresses exists, but each licensed dealer is allowed to decide if a buyer meets the requirements. I eventually found a SD mom & pop gun shop happy to accept my SD DL with a PMB address and sold me the handgun I wanted.
You should be aware that they also changed the SD law to clarify, once you become a SD resident, any CCW (resident or non-resident) issued by a different state, is invalid
within SD for a SD resident. So once you establish SD residency/domicile you can't carry concealed on your person,
within SD without a SD permit. Reciprocity is granted to non-residents visiting the state, but not to "residents" who may have permits from other states. nothing to do with what other states may accept, this is just within SD