A bit late to this thread and didn't read all of the responses...
Here is my 2¢...
Yes confusing and made possible by the masses who refuse to get the higher class TV, even though they need/should...the why of the 'fake half ton' offerings, though the fake half ton is very, very rare (IMHO...they make more margin/profit on a pure/real half ton than the fake half ton because bigger/better/higher-spec stuff costs more...
Just look at the TV's rear axle ratings and you will also find clarity..I hope you do...
The TV's rear axle rating is the key and then the actual weights (each axle, fully loaded and empty) of both the TV and trailer you plan to tow.
Most all half ton's will have a RGAWR (rear gross axle weight rating) less than 5,000 lobs (fake half ton will be at or a bit over 5K lbs) and higher class all have 6,000 or higher RGAWR's.
Part of the thread that 3/4 ton and 1 ton are basically the same is that they often have the same RGAWR and the difference is only known to the design engineering team...that they will never tell the public...
Then look at the side of any TV and notice that most will have the mid point between the axles be the rear edge of the drivers door...meaning that most of the weight any TV will carry will be mainly on the rear axle
Simple, but many...most complicate it by tons and tons of reasoning using marketing verbiage/specification (not engineering specifications) to justify whatever their positioning is...
Michiganmetzger wrote:
Looking at purchasing our first tt and confused by all the different responses as to what truck we should get to tow it. It has a UVWR of 5295 lbs hitch weight of 635lbs. Most are saying to go with a 3/4 ton yet the 1/2 ton is rated to 7000 lbs. So I'm asking you towing veterans what would you use?
Thank you