:h When I had my STEMI severe heart attack the Cardiologists found out I am allergic to Heparin; my white blood cell count dropped and they had to give me an antidote. I was on Plavix for about 14 months after. I also take 81 mg Aspirin. about 6 mos. later had to have a lower canine tooth removed which had a root of another tooth twisted around the canine. The other was removed and the canine piece of root broke off. I had to have him quit as he tried to remove a piece of jawbone removed to get at the root. It will be 2 yrs. this Novemeber since then. I get a feeling of a toothache coming on in that area every so often, but now I am fearful of getting the last three out for a lower plate to be made as those three are also bad.
I have three stents; 1/4 of my lower left heart wall muscle is dead and i still suffer from chest pain near the heart which the Cardiologists (2) have no clue of the cause. Had all the stress and heart tests done.