In 50 years of driving I've seen some real winners out there.. My favorite however is the guy who flew past me like I was standing still.. THEN he noticed his exit so he somehow managed to turn a hard right with out flipping his car,, Cut off the semi beside me (I was in 2nd lane Semi in right) and onto the low speed (I forget if 45 or 35mph) Exit ramp... Where a steel hauler was obeying the speed limit.. Now he managed to survive, even kept the car in one piece but he had do do a great job of using that car like a skate board (The ramp is shaped like a half pipe) many skateboarders would be proud to do what he did.
We were all praying for him to hit the Steel Hauler though.
He is not the only 3-rd lane exiter I've see either.. But I can tell you .. Undies are in danger when you are the one they cut off.