Depends what we are cooking if turkey, deep pot and 3 rigs.Generally if we cook only one turkey we have one deep pot if two or three we use 2 deep pots. If not 2 rigs with baskets and I think 11 qt pots. Fry cutter. Wings.Onion rings. Still trying to get the funnel cake thing working. Everyone gauks while we cook. The oil is reusable about 5 times. A funnel and you can put it back in the container when it cools. When it is used up we burn it in the camp fire one little cup at a time or you can dump it in the oil recycle drum.we only get rid of about a gallon at a time cause we use the big 35 lb containers and after a few big batches we use it for the little pots and dispose of it. Just to be clear we use the +-$60 dollar burners one from bass pro and one from wal mart etc. Northern has 3 gang ones we are eye balling.the small basket types E bay $20.