QUESTION - does tension/stress affect Diabetes ?
I am on a 6-month, dr. directed "lose that weight", and in conjunction to that I have been checking my glucose levels (blood tests showed glucose too high), and it has been quite a learning process.
But have noticed at times my numbers are higher not due to me eating a cookie or donut, but has followed a time of stress in my Life.
Just curious.
Will be looking at the website as have created a spreadsheet on my computer to track my numbers and diet. Yes, have lost about 25 lbs and continuing to try to lose the weight. Have other medical issues, so trying to avoid any more issues. And no, there is no diabetes in my family (however, Dad was killed in the line of duty as a PD, and sisters, and brother died before they reached age 30 due to automobile accidents, and my 14 yrs older sister has COPD, so no help there)