JaxDad wrote:
Commercial trucks come under different rules than an RV does.
A synopsis of the various laws can be found on the AAA website by clicking here.
Not that it comes up very often, but bear in mind, drivers licence reciprocity does NOT cover vehicle lengths. Just because your legal in one state does not mean you’re legal somewhere else.
If you are found to be in violation you will not be allowed to continue on, that might result in a big tow bill.
It is interesting that very few (if any) of such lists give statutory references. That list is wrong about the overall length of a three unit combination in Montana; there is no length limit!
"MCA 61-10-104. Length -- definitions. (1) A single truck, bus, or self-propelled vehicle, unladen or with load, may not have an overall length, inclusive of front and rear bumpers, in excess of 55 feet.
(2) (a) When used in a truck tractor-semitrailer combination, the semitrailer may not exceed 53 feet in length, excluding those portions not designed to carry a load, except as provided by 61-10-124. When used in a truck tractor-semitrailer-trailer or a truck tractor-semitrailer-semitrailer combination, the semitrailer and trailer or the two semitrailers may not exceed 28 1/2 feet each in length or 61 feet in combined trailer length, excluding those portions not designed to carry a load, except as provided by 61-10-124. Truck tractor-semitrailer, truck tractor-semitrailer-trailer, and truck tractor-semitrailer-semitrailer combinations are not subject to a combination length limit."
However, note that the trailers in such a combination are limited to 28 1/2 feet in length, or a total trailer length of 61 feet.
If the list of laws sin't accurate about Montana, how can one trust any of the other listings?