charlie good time wrote:
Ah Cheaper way is use your hand an touch each wheel at same place.You will learn what is different or over heated Having said that i do use a heat gun when no one is around as i think someone might think i am holding a real gun!
Yep, the hand method has proven to be effective enough. Though, I would have ZERO worry over whether or not other people think I'm holding a gun.
Either with your hand or IR gun, you can tell the difference between tire/wheel temps from one to another. But just because 1 or 2 of them is higher than the others, that's not an indication that they're going to be a problem. It might be 20-30 degrees hotter (or more), but does that really mean its too hot? For some folks, this only adds unnecessary nervousness to their travels. Now, if you shoot a tire and it comes back as 100 degrees more than the others, then you may have a problem...which you can easily determine with your touch. Or, what if all tires/wheels are running at that high temp? None of them are different than the others, so does that mean you're OK?
Kinda like taking your temperature without knowing what the normal body temp is supposed to be. Or like buying tires from the first place you see without knowing whether you can get them for less at the store next door. Without knowing a baseline, the measure of specifics is useless.