camperdave wrote:
I have a charge line in my toad. In my case I do need a diode in the line. This is because I have my motorhome backup camera powered by the trailer charge line (it's an on with ignition source, right were I wanted it, made sense at the time).
If I simply used a charge line with a fuse, then the backup camera would be powered by the TOAD battery anytime the ignition of the motorhome was off. A diode prevents this.
Agreed, a diode is a great idea, also, to prevent current from back flowing into the Motorhome. And, in your case where the camera at the back of the Motorhome is powered by the trailer charge line, a diode is most definitely in order.
I remember when we set up the charge line, I wanted to wire in a diode, and planned to initially. However, it turned into one of those things I found was not needed, so kept putting it off and it never got done, haha.