Forum Discussion

loulou57's avatar
May 24, 2014

Disabled Parking Permits

In Ontario we get 50% off provincial park campgrounds if you have a valid Ontario disabled parking permit. You also do not require a fishing license. Odd, I know.

I have one. I have been asked on so many occasions, why do you have that, you look fine, what's your problem?

My hubby and I have been yelled at, cursed at and given the unofficial universal sign language on many occasions.

I do not use a disabled spot if there are only a couple of them. I always think someone may come in with a wheelchair and need the space.
Also in the campground, if I am assigned the disabled Site, I always say if someone comes in with a wheelchair we will move to another Site. Just because we get the discount does not mean we have to use a disabled Site, we can use any we choose.

I am not a senior, I do not use a wheelchair and my disability is not always noticeable.

Why do people think it is their right to harass myself and others. They think I owe them an explanation.

It is illegal for anyone, a security person, parking attendant or even a police officer to ask me why I have a permit and demand an answer.

Has anyone else had this issue? What do you do?

We have found that when someone you realize that this parking spot is for a disabled person, I answer, yes I do.

We have been followed into the store with someone yelling at us the whole way into a store, only to have the manager come and really need to move your truck, you obviously have no disability. Another time someone added to his non verbal words that if I could drive a truck I had no disability....Really???